Boost eBooks are interactive, accessible and flexible. They use the latest research and technology to provide the very best experience for students and teachers.
Both BTEC Applied Psychology Books 1 and 2 have been revised to match the revised Unit 1 and Unit 3 specifications for first teaching from September 2021. Both books are now available as Boost eBooks.
Book 2 Revised Edition– Extended Certificate Units
- Unit 3 – Health psychology completely revised and updated.
- Students study four units – the Certificate units plus Health Psychology and one option.
- Endorsed for BTEC
- Each book provides knowledge and evaluation of theories and studies combined with many engaging activities which deliver the vocational element.
- Activities aim to prepare students for internal and external assessments.
- The brilliant visual style and tone will encourage students through every step of the course.
- Written by leading authors Cara Flanagan, Dave Berry, Rob Liddle, Jock McGinty with advisor Mark Walsh.
Cara Flanagan is one of the best known and most respected authors for A Level Psychology. An expert teacher with examining experience and a well-known conference presenter, Cara is renowned for creating resources that students love to use.
Dave Berry is a practised teacher with examining experience. He regularly leads face-to-face and online training courses for a major awarding body. Dave is Head of Psychology at Oldham Hulme Grammar School.
Rob Liddle has more than twenty years' teaching experience in psychology, from GCSE to postgraduate study. A psychology graduate with a Masters in Organisational Psychology, Rob is an established author with examining experience.
Jock McGinty is Head of Psychology and Head of Sixth Form at Watford Grammar School for Boys. He has taught Psychology for 17 years and is a senior A-Level examiner and CPD presenter. He is the European representative for the Association for the Teaching of Psychology committee.
Mark Walsh is an experienced teacher of BTEC and applied health and social care courses at all levels. He is also a mental health nurse and an established author of many successful textbooks for students and care practitioners.
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