WJEC Level 1/2 Vocational Award Hospitality and Catering (Technical Award) 2nd Edition: Study and Revision Guide

Anita Tull

Price: £17.99

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EVALUATEFor teachers in schools/colleges only
ISBN: 9781913963323 Category:

Publication date: 07/07/22

Pages: 204pp

Exam board: WJEC

Subject: Food, Hospitality and Catering

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This practical Study and Revision Guide has been completely revised and updated to match the new Hospitality and Catering Level 1/2 (Technical Award) specification, for first teaching from September 2022.  Written by renowned author Anita Tull, it provides the essential information needed for the exam and will help students develop and apply the skills needed for the Controlled Assessment. (This book is replacing the 2020 edition. For details of the previous edition click here.)

The ideal companion to the Student Book! This guide is designed to be used as a textbook for lower-ability students and a study aid and revision guide for higher-ability students.

What’s new in the 2nd Edition?

  • Structure and content fully updated to match the new specification precisely.
  • Completely new assessment sections in line with the new specification.
  • A new section on How to prepare and make dishes with examples of how different techniques are combined in recipes, together with new activities to help students identify skills and techniques in a range of dishes, helping prepare them for assessment.
  • Content re-organised under new specification Unit and Topic headings and numbering making it easy for students to follow.
  • New Specification stems signposting to clearly show students which sections of information they need to ‘know’; ‘know and understand’; ‘be aware of’ and ‘be able to’.

What have we retained?

  • Condensed version of the required theory presented in a clear and colourful study guide.
  • Interesting Activities throughout to allow students to consolidate and apply their learning.
  • Key terms to remind students of the essential terminology needed for assessment.
  • Accessible design with colourful diagrams, images, tables and charts to support understanding and knowledge recall, making it perfect for lower ability students.
  • In Unit 1, end of section ‘Knowledge check’ and Practice exam questions enable students to test themselves and provide plenty of practice for the assessment.
  • Unit 2 helps support students in applying the knowledge learned from Unit 1 and prepare for the Controlled Assessment, providing guidance for presenting evidence together with example answers and assessor commentary.
  • When used in conjunction with our bestselling Student Book, students will have an unrivalled suite of resources to help them excel with their study of Hospitality and Catering.

FREE suggested Answers to the activities and questions from the Study and Revision Guide are available to download from the Resources and Downloads tab.

Dr Anita Tull is the author of several renowned student books. She has worked in food and cooking skills education for forty years and has taught food, nutrition and cooking skills to children, teenagers and adults in a range of different schools and community initiatives; and hospitality and catering in a further education college. In 2015 she was awarded a PhD by the Centre for Food Policy, City, University of London.

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Answers from the Study & Revision Guide 2nd Edition

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