WJEC/Eduqas Religious Studies for A Level Year 1 & AS – Hinduism

Huw Dylan Jones, Edited by Richard Gray

Price: £21.00


EVALUATEFor teachers in schools/colleges only
ISBN: 9781911208006 Category:

Publication date: 07/03/17

Pages: 128pp

Exam board: WJEC, WJEC Eduqas

Level: A Level Year 1 & AS

Subject: Religious Studies

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Written by an experienced teacher and author with an in-depth understanding of teaching, learning and assessment at A Level and AS, this endorsed Student Book provides fantastic support for your students.

  • Endorsed by WJEC/Eduqas, offering you high quality support you can trust.
  • A skills-based approach to learning, covering content of the specification with examination preparation from the start.
  • Developing skills feature focuses on what to do with the content and the issues that are raised with a progressive range of AO1 examples and AO2 exam-focused activities.
  • Questions and Answers section provides practice questions with student answers and examiner commentaries.
  • It provides a range of specific activities that target each of the Assessment Objectives to build skills of knowledge, understanding and evaluation.
  • Includes a range of features to encourage you to consolidate and reinforce your learning.

Huw Dylan Jones has for many years been Head of RE at Ysgol y Berwyn, Bala as well as Assistant Headteacher. He is currently Principal Examiner for a major Awarding Body.

Richard Gray has studied at The University of Sheffield where he won the Epworth Prize, before taking up a British Academy scholarship at Lancaster University. He has also studied as Research Fellow at The University of Leeds. Richard has taught A Level Religious Studies for more than 20 years and is a former Head of Religious Studies. He has also been a senior examiner at A Level for 16 years. Richard is currently a freelance writer and examiner. He is author of several books and articles for A Level Religious Studies.


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