WJEC/Eduqas Media Studies for A Level Year 1 & AS Student Book: Revised Edition

Christine Bell, Lucas Johnson

Price: £29.50

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EVALUATEFor teachers in schools/colleges only
ISBN: 9781913963286 Category:

Publication date: 16/02/23

Pages: 320pp

Exam board: WJEC, WJEC Eduqas

Level: A Level Yr 1 & AS

Subject: Media Studies

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The WJEC/Eduqas Media Studies for A Level Year 1 & AS Student Book has been revised and updated to reflect the latest amendments to the specification.  This accessible and engaging resource will support students through their A Level Media Studies course. Endorsed by WJEC/Eduqas it offers high quality support you can trust.

What’s new in the Revised Edition?

  • Coverage of the new set products for assessment from 2024 onwards.
  • New examples of contemporary media products across a range of forms.
  • Updated sections on media contexts to reflect recent developments in culture and society.
  • Up-to-date statistics and information about media industries and audiences.
  • New activities to reinforce students’ knowledge and understanding.
  • Up-to-date information about the exam components including practice questions to help students with the skills they need for assessment.

What have we retained?

  • Written by experienced Media Studies teachers and examiners, this engaging resource will encourage your students to become confident, independent learners and develop their skills as Media students.
  • All areas of the specification are covered and supported by numerous highly-illustrated examples taken from the set products and optional choices.
  • The theoretical framework underpinning media studies is explored and applied to a range of media forms and products.
  • A dedicated chapter on the Non-Examined Assessment element of the specification provides clear guidance on how students will be assessed.
  • Exam guidance sections introduce students to practice questions and the assessment objectives helping students with the skills they need for assessment.
  • The book supports students taking Media Studies for the first time, as well as those who are progressing from GCSE.

Christine Bell is a senior examiner for a major awarding body and has extensive examining experience. Previously Curriculum Leader for Media Studies at Heaton Manor School, Newcastle, Christine has taught Media Studies for 30 years. An experienced author Christine also delivers training and INSET to teachers across the country.

Lucas Johnson is a senior examiner for a major awarding body. He has been teaching Media courses for the past 17 years both at sixth form level and, prior to that, in higher education. He currently teaches at Peter Symonds College in Winchester.

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