Boost eBooks are interactive, accessible and flexible. They use the latest research and technology to provide the very best experience for students and teachers.
Revised and updated to match the latest WJEC Eduqas GCSE Film Studies specification and covering many of the latest film texts for assessment from 2024, this highly visual and engaging Boost eBook will support students through the course and help prepare them for their exams.
- Written by a team of experienced examiners and teachers, this book offers high quality support you can trust.
- Comprehensive definitions of key terms throughout the book with examples of how they should be used in analyses.
- Case studies of key films provide an in-depth exploration of the key elements of film form.
- A dedicated chapter on the Non-Examined Assessment production element of the specification provides clear guidance on how students will be assessed.
- New stretch and challenge tasks allow students to further develop their understanding.
- Exam-style questions enable students to test themselves and help refine exam technique.
- Sample exam questions with student answers and teacher commentaries show how to produce high-mark answers and prepare for the exam.
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