WJEC Eduqas GCSE Film Studies – Student Book

Jackie Newman, Dave Fairclough, Kelly Fincham, Julie Patrick

Price: £26.00

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EVALUATEFor teachers in schools/colleges only
ISBN: 9781911208020 Category:

Publication date: 16/06/17

Pages: 320pp

Exam board: WJEC Eduqas

Level: GCSE

Subject: Film Studies

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This title is being replaced by a Revised Edition which reflects the latest amendments to the GCSE specification. For details on the new book click here

Endorsed by WJEC Eduqas, the Student Book offers high quality support you can trust.

Written by experienced Film Studies teachers and examiners, it provides both the knowledge and understanding of films important in the development of both film and film technology.

  • A clear focus throughout on applying knowledge and understanding creatively to screenwriting and filmmaking.
  • A dedicated chapter on the Non-Examined Assessment production element of the specification provides clear guidance on how students will be assessed.
  • Highly illustrated with interesting and engaging visuals to engage and motivate your students.
  • Direct reference to film sequences, stills, criticism, reviews and screenwriting help guide the close analysis of key areas.
  • Exam guidance section introduces students to practice questions and the assessment objectives to help with the skills needed for assessment.
  • Activities test, enhance and clarify students’ understanding.
  • Designed to support students of all ability levels.

Jackie Newman was the Director of Media Arts at a comprehensive school in West Yorkshire and was a senior examiner for GCSE Film Studies for a major awarding body.

Dave Fairclough is Head of Film Studies at Ryburn Valley High School in Halifax, West Yorkshire and is a senior examiner for GCSE Film Studies for a major awarding body.

Kelly Fincham started her career in journalism and, having worked on the set of Hollywood productions such as Stardust (2007), worked as a privately commissioned screenwriter. She was Head of Screenwriting and Film Studies at a Kent college and is now a Principal Examiner and a Moderator for GCSE Film Studies for a major awarding body.

Julie Patrick is Head of Media Studies at Ryburn Valley High School, teaching Media and Film at KS4 and 5.  She also delivers training to Media teachers and was a Principal examiner for Film Studies GCSE.

“Outstanding course book – informed and guaranteed to arouse interest and provide knowledge.”  5 star Amazon Review

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