OCR Core Maths A and B (MEI)

Heather Davis, Stella Dudzic, Sophie Goldie, Bob Hartman, Roger Porkess

Price: £32.00

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EVALUATEFor teachers in schools/colleges only
ISBN: 9781913963002 Category:

Publication date: 17/08/21

Pages: 288pp

Exam board: OCR

Level: Level 3

Subject: Maths, Numeracy and Statistics

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Created to support students and teachers through the OCR Core Maths (MEI) courses and designed to create confident mathematicians able to apply their learning to a wide range of situations.

  • Written in conjunction with the MEI team to ensure the best support we can offer.
  • Endorsed by OCR offering high quality support you can trust.
  • Covers all components from both specifications: Introduction to quantitative reasoning , Critical maths and Statistical problem solving.
  • The innovative approach places learning in context throughout and focuses on learning through practice with a large number of questions, exercises and activities.
  • Real-world examples are used to give students opportunities to apply their learning to different settings including other subjects, everyday life and the workplace.

The contents list for this book is available on the Resources and Downloads tab

Core Maths is ideal for students taking a wide range of Level 3 subjects such as business and economics, PE and sport, health and social care, design and technology, engineering, psychology, geography, sociology and science subjects. For more information on the OCR Core Maths qualification, visit OCR’s website.

Ruth Wroe, Maths Subject Adviser at OCR, asked the authors about the thinking behind this new book and how it will appeal to students and teachers alike. Below is an extract from Ruth’s blog:

Sophie Goldie“In Core Maths every topic has a real-life application so that students are able to see how they will be able to use the mathematics they are learning in their future careers. Every section of the book has a really engaging activity for students to think about and discuss, and these activities really set the tone of the book. The book relates maths to other subjects that a student may be studying such as geography, business studies or psychology. There are clear worked examples with callouts that provide extra support, and short exercises on each section so there are plenty of opportunities for students to practise their new skills.”

Roger Porkess: “I’ve always been committed to making maths accessible to people who need it in their other subjects, their everyday lives and in the workplace. The book is designed to motivate students who have little underlying interest in mathematics. It will encourage a way of thinking that sees applying maths to any situation as an entirely natural thing to do.”

Stella Dudzic: “For students studying independently… the book has been written so that students can work through it from start to finish to develop their understanding and skills. The sections relevant to each of the Core Maths papers are clearly indicated so students can use the book for revision as well as for initial learning. For teachers…there are lots of ways to use the book. There are activities throughout the book to introduce new concepts. Teachers may find these useful as lesson starters and there are also questions for students to test their understanding. Some teachers might use the activities to introduce new topics, others might want the questions to give their students practice.” 

You can read Ruth’s full blog on the OCR website.

MEI has produced a teacher companion to this textbook, providing additional questions and worked solutions. Details of how to access this companion are available on the MEI website.’

Stella Dudzic: Stella is an experienced teacher and head of department and joined MEI in 2006. Her work in curriculum development includes developing new qualifications and overseeing the creation of teaching resources. She is a textbook author and editor and regularly leads CPD for teachers.

Roger Porkess: Roger has been active in mathematics education throughout his career, first as a teacher, then as Chief Executive of MEI and now as an independent consultant. He has written or contributed to 5 recent major reports and has acted as author, co-author or series editor of over 30 books and is now a Principal Examiner for a major Awarding Body.

Sophie Goldie: Sophie is an experienced Mathematics teacher and has over 20 years experience as a textbook author.

Heather Davies: Heather is an experienced Mathematics teacher and also led the Mathematics School Centred Initial Teacher Training in Cornwall. She is now an independent consultant and divides her time between publishing work, presenting on national and international courses, and consulting for a variety of organisations.

Bob Hartman: Bob spent almost 20 years as a classroom teacher and has been actively involved in producing learning texts and assessment materials (Entry Level to Level 3) since the inception of GCSE. He worked full-time for the curriculum development organisation SMP for six years.

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OCR Core Maths A and B (MEI) Contents