Welsh Language Edition.
Written by an experienced GCSE Numeracy teacher and Numeracy co-ordinator, this practical guide will support students throughout their GCSE course and help prepare them for their exams.
- Ideal for Foundation and Intermediate students, it provides core numeracy knowledge together with plenty of exam practice in clear, easy to follow sections.
- Worked examples and supported questions for each topic help students to understand what the theory means in practice, and how maths skills are used in a real-world context.
- The interleaving of different mathematical concepts throughout the book allows students to gain confidence in answering GCSE Numeracy questions that combine multiple mathematical skills.
- Tips and hints throughout help students avoid common mistakes and identify which maths skill a question is looking for.
- Includes past GCSE exam questions within topics to give students experience of understanding and applying their knowledge to a real exam situation.
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