WJEC Mathematics for A2 Level – Pure & Applied Revision Guide

Stephen Doyle

Price: £15.50

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EVALUATEFor teachers in schools/colleges only
ISBN: 9781912820344 Category:

Publication date: 11/03/21

Pages: 248pp

Exam board: WJEC

Level: A2 Level

Subject: Maths, Numeracy and Statistics

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The Pure and Applied Revision Guide has been designed to fully support students through their Maths course and help them prepare for their A2 exams.

  • ‘Quick Revision’ is a short recap on the theories and techniques needed for each topic.
  • ‘Looking at Exam Questions’ shows students how to analyse the question and the thought processes involved in answering it.
  • Exam practice sections at the end of every topic provides a bank of extra exam-style questions with solutions provided and the steps to take.
  • Features tips and suggestions for how to maximise marks in the exam.

Stephen Doyle is an experienced Mathematics teacher, examiner and bestselling author with over 30 years' experience.  He has taught in a variety of schools and colleges and has written and contributed to numerous books and other learning resources.

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