Eduqas Biology for A Level Year 1 & AS Student Book – 2nd Edition

Dr Marianne Izen

Price: £30.00

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EVALUATEFor teachers in schools/colleges only
ISBN: 9781912820542 Category:

Publication date: 12/08/20

Pages: 256pp

Exam board: WJEC Eduqas

Level: A Level Year 1 & AS

Subject: Biology

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Comprehensively revised and updated, this 2nd Edition of the Year 1 & AS Student Book is endorsed by WJEC Eduqas, offering high quality support you can trust.

  • Straightforward and concise coverage of the specification, so students can be confident they are covering what’s needed for exam success.
  • New Test Yourself section at the end of each chapter to reinforce knowledge with answers provided in the book.
  • Now includes detailed explanations of the Assessment Objectives with examples of how the AOs are approached in exam questions.
  • New section on Answering exam questions at the end of each unit gives guidance on command words and how to approach each question.
  • New Exam Practice questions at the end of each unit are taken from actual WJEC past papers with answers provided in the book.
  • New Theory Check feature accompanies the practical tasks in the book and helps students check their understanding of biology in relation to practical tasks.
  • Enhanced support for practical skills to enable you to embed your understanding of practical work.
  • Increased maths support with maths skills and techniques regularly tested throughout.
  • Clear explanations and diagrams throughout.

Dr Marianne Izen has over thirty years' experience as an A Level Biology teacher and examiner, and has provided science teacher training for schools across the UK.  Before teaching, Marianne conducted research in universities in both the UK and the USA, on plant cells and published papers on their behaviour in tissue culture.  She is a Principal Examiner for a major awarding body.

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