CBAC TGAU Drama, Dylunio Drama: Dylunio Goleuo, Sain, Set a Gwisgoedd (WJEC GCSE Drama: Designing Drama Lighting, Sound, Set & Costume Design)

Sue Shewring

Price: £27.00

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EVALUATEFor teachers in schools/colleges only
ISBN: 9781913963330 Category:

Publication date: 29/03/22

Pages: 248pp

Exam board: WJEC

Subject: Drama

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Welsh Language Edition. This new Student Book supports your students through GCSE Drama design options of lighting, sound, set and costume design.

  • The clear and accessible layout will help students engage with and fully understand key design ideas and information.
  • Written by an experienced author and drama teacher in collaboration with expert consultants working professionally in each of the design areas.
  • Separate chapters for each of the four design elements give a solid foundation on which to develop the required exam skills.
  • Numerous diagrams, sketches, plans and photographs help students visualise the practical elements of being a drama designer.
  • Provides a range of practice questions with exemplar answers and extensive advice on exam preparation.

Worksheets to accompany this book are available to download for FREE on the Resources and Downloads tab.

Sue Shewring worked as an actor and education development officer during the height of Britain’s Theatre-in-Education movement. She later became Head of Drama at an 11-18 school where she staged several full scale productions at a local theatre. She advised in the capacity of Lead Teacher of Drama for Lancashire, and now tutors GCSE and A-level students.

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CBAC TGAU Drama, Dylunio Drama Worksheets