CBAC TGAU Cerddoriaeth, Canllaw Adolygu – Argraffiad Diwygiedig (WJEC/Eduqas GCSE Music, Revision Guide – Revised Edition)

Jan Richards

Price: £15.50

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EVALUATEFor teachers in schools/colleges only
ISBN: 9781913963415 Category:

Publication date: 15/03/22

Pages: 120pp

Exam board: WJEC

Subject: Music

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Welsh Language Edition. The Revised Edition covers the WJEC/Eduqas amended GCSE Music specifications for first teaching from September 2020.  (For details of the current edition, click here).

This revised edition covers the new prepared extracts in Unit 3 (WJEC) and Component 3 (Eduqas) for assessment from summer 2022:

Peer Gynt Suite No.1: Anitra’s Dance: Grieg
Everything Must Go: Manic Street Preachers

Badinerie by J.S.Bach for Flute and String Orchestra with Harpsichord
Africa: Toto

  • This practical and concise revision guide is designed to support students preparing for their WJEC and Eduqas GCSE Music assessment.
  • Provides the necessary musical information in a succinct and accessible format, ensuring students are fully equipped for assessment
  • Offers students the opportunity to practise identifying the elements of music when listening, and how they are used in composing
  • Highlights the required Musical Terms with definitions and includes plenty of Practice Questions to assist students in developing their musical theory skills
  • Provides help and advice on how to approach the listening examination and coursework
  • Contains Sample Exam Questions with example answers and commentaries to demonstrate ways to approach the exam aspect of the course

Free audio clips and web links to music to accompany this book are provided via a dedicated website. ‘Listening’ icons alongside relevant sections within the book indicate when to go online. Click here to visit the website.

Jan Richards has had a long teaching career, culminating in spending 35 years as a Head of Department / Head of Performing Arts. An experienced author from Key Stage 3 to A level, including material on set works and student support, she has also been involved in examining and specification development with a major Awarding Body and is currently Principal Moderator for GCSE Composition and Principal Examiner for AS and A Level Composition.

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