CBAC TGAU Addysg Gorfforol (WJEC GCSE PE Student Book)

Matthew Penny

Price: £28.00

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EVALUATEFor teachers in schools/colleges only
ISBN: 9781913963453 Category:

Publication date: 27/03/23

Pages: 272pp

Exam board: WJEC, WJEC Eduqas

Level: GCSE

Subject: PE and Sport

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Welsh Language Edition

Written by experienced author, teacher and examiner Matthew Penny, this comprehensive and colourful student book is designed to fully support both WJEC and Eduqas students throughout their GCSE PE course.

  • Covers the core components of the specification – Health, training & exercise, Exercise physiology, Movement analysis, Psychology of sport & physical activity and Socio-cultural issues in physical activity & sport.
  • Each chapter is built around a central ‘Big Question’ which enables students to learn the subject content within a practical sporting context.
  • Step-by-step approach allows students to gradually add more subject knowledge and skills throughout each chapter and equips them to fully answer the exam-style question at the end.
  • Separate ‘Topic Tests’ check knowledge and understanding, and help students understand how exam questions are worded, enabling them to build an answer that tackles the required Assessment Objectives.
  • Separate ‘Practical Investigations’ provide plenty of hands-on activities that bring difficult concepts and theories to life and help students personalise their learning.
  • Detailed and colourful visual approach make it accessible and easy-to-follow.

This new Student Book extends our range of GCSE PE resources and is a perfect accompaniment to both the WJEC/Eduqas GCSE PE Introduction to Physical Education: Study & Revision Guide and the WJEC/Eduqas GCSE PE Personal Fitness Programme: Student Companion.

Matthew Penny has over 17 years’ experience as a Physical Education teacher and is currently Deputy Lead for PE at Monmouth Comprehensive School. A principal moderator for a major awarding body, he has also delivered CPD events across Wales, as well as providing teacher training for schools following WJEC specifications.

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