CBAC Cemeg ar gyfer U2 (WJEC Chemistry for A2 Student Book)

David Ballard, Rhodri Thomas

Price: £29.00

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ISBN: 9781911208334 Category:

Publication date: 20/02/18

Pages: 220pp

Exam board: WJEC

Level: A2 Level

Subject: Chemistry

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Welsh Language Edition.  Endorsed by WJEC, this book offers high quality support you can trust.

  • Each topic includes detailed explanations and underpinning knowledge, all written in clear uncomplicated language.
  • Exam practice and skills guidance is provided for the assessment objectives.
  • Maths techniques and skills are regularly tested throughout.
  • Numerous questions, tests and tips help ensure students have a good grasp of the key content for each topic.

David Ballard is a former Head of Chemistry with many years' experience of teaching in secondary and further education in England.  He is an experienced examiner and teacher, and is currently Chief Examiner for A Level Chemistry for a leading awarding body.

Rhodri Thomas is currently a Deputy Head with many years' experience of teaching Chemistry in schools and universities in the UK and overseas.  He is an experienced examiner and is currently a Principal Examiner for A Level Chemistry for a major awarding body.

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