WJEC Physics for AS Level – Study & Revision Guide

Gareth Kelly, Nigel Wood, Iestyn Morris

Price: £18.99


EVALUATEFor teachers in schools/colleges only
ISBN: 9781908682604 Category:

Publication date: 15/02/16

Pages: 209pp

Exam board: WJEC

Level: AS Level

Subject: Physics

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Endorsed by WJEC, this Study and Revision Guide supports students in preparing for their assessment and offers high quality support you can trust.

  • Written by experienced teachers and examiners, it provides the essential underpinning knowledge they will need to recap and revise the studies, theories and key terms.
  • Supports the development of skills students need to correctly interpret and answer the exam questions.
  • Includes plenty of practice questions, with commentaries so they can see where mistakes are typically made and where extra marks can be gained.
  • An exam practice and technique section offers advice on how exam questions are set and marked.

Gareth Kelly  CPhys, MinstP, graduated in Theoretical Physics from Cambridge University.  He taught Physics at Penglais Comprehensive School, Aberystwyth, for 26 years.  He has been involved with A Level and GCSE Physics and Electronics for a major awarding body for over ten years. 

Nigel Wood is an experienced Chief Examiner in A Level Physics for a major awarding body, and was formerly Head of Physics at Dulwich College, London.

Iestyn Morris studied Physics at Aberystwyth before being awarded the Sir Granville Beynon prize there and graduating with first class honours for his degree. He has a PhD in Optical Characterisation of Semiconductors and has published work in numerous research areas over the years. He has set and marked A Level exams for a major awarding body for many years.

“This book is fantastic – it gets straight to the things you need for the exam. I think if you are doing physics as with WJEC this is a definite best buy, it helped me so much!”

5 star Amazon review

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