WJEC GCSE Cymraeg Ail Iaith Welsh Second Language – Revision Guide (Language Skills and Practice)

Enfys Thomas, Richard Roberts, Tina Thomas

Price: £20.99

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EVALUATEFor teachers in schools/colleges only
ISBN: 9781911208471 Category:

Publication date: 24/11/17

Pages: 209pp

Exam board: WJEC

Level: GCSE

Subject: Welsh as a Second Language

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Endorsed by WJEC, this is a detailed and comprehensive guide full of ideas and suggestions to help students develop their key Welsh language skills. With a wide range of solo, pair and group tasks and activities throughout, it is ideal for reinforcing exam skills across all four units of the WJEC GCSE Welsh Second Language specification.

  • Endorsed by WJEC and written by experienced authors, examiners and practising teachers, it offers high quality support you can trust.
  • Provides a practical unit-by-unit approach, ensuring that students have focused coverage of the required language skills.
  • Offers spontaneous speaking and translation practice throughout to allow students to perfect these crucial skills.
  • Specially commissioned films available online provide extra support in speaking and listening for Units 1 and 2 of the specification.
  • Plenty of practice questions and tasks with exemplar responses to see where extra marks can be gained.

Wedi ei gymeradwyo gan CBAC, mae hwn yn ganllaw manwl a chynhwysfawr sy’n llawn syniadau ac awgrymiadau i helpu myfyrwyr i ddatblygu eu sgiliau Cymraeg allweddol. Gydag ystod eang o dasgau a gweithgareddau uniogol, pâr a gr?p a gweithgareddau drwyddi draw, mae’n ddelfrydol ar gyfer atgyfnerthu sgiliau arholiad ar draws y pedair uned o fanyleb TGAU Cymraeg Ail Iaith CBAC.

  • Wedi’i gymeradwyo gan CBAC, a’i ysgrifennu gan awduron profiadol, arholwyr ac athrawon ymarfer ac yn cynnig cymorth o ansawdd uchel y gallwch ymddiried ynddo.
  • Mae’n darparu dull ymarferol uned fesul uned, gan sicrhau bod gan y myfyrwyr drosolwg ffocws o’r sgiliau iaith sydd eu hangen.
  • Mae’n cynnig ymarfer siarad digymell ac ymarfer cyfieithu drwy gydol y cwrs i alluogi myfyrwyr i berffeithio’r sgiliau hanfodol hyn.
  • Mae’r ffilmiau a gomisiynwyd yn arbennig i gynnig cymorth ychwanegol wrth siarad a gwrando yn Unedau 1 a 2 y fanyleb ar gael ar-lein.
  • Digon o gwestiynau ymarfer a thasgau gydag ymatebion enghreifftiol i weld ble gellir ennill marciau ychwanegol.

Click to view FREE specially commissioned films to support Units 1 & 2.

Enfys Thomas is an experienced teacher and Head of Department and Local Education Authority teaching advisor. She has organised and delivered CPD training for teachers in both primary and secondary sectors, locally and nationally. Enfys has created digital interactive resources to assist in the learning and teaching of Welsh Second Language, and authored a number of books and training packs for use at KS3 and KS4.

Richard Roberts is an experienced teacher and local education authority advisory teacher. He was National Training Adviser and Coordinator for the Welsh Language in Education at WJEC where he was responsible for the professional development of teachers of Welsh and Welsh second language. He has authored training packs and delivered training throughout Wales and beyond.

Tina Thomas is Head of the Welsh Department at Greenhill School, Tenby. She is Leader of Welsh Second Language for ERW and delivers CPD sessions for teachers locally and nationally. Tina has created resources for the National Grid for Learning; authored the learning pack `Camau Cwl' designed for latecomers to the language and she has contributed extensively to the HWB website. An experienced examiner Tina helped to develop and is Principal Examiner for GCSE Welsh Second Language.

“Excellent resource. The book contains bilingual practice questions and examples for the various aspects of the new specification. It is a very good revision guide for pupils but also an excellent resource for teachers. The book is easy to follow and the tips and revision aids are extremely useful. An excellent resource for pupils and teachers, ardderchog!” 

“A must buy. Such a useful revision tool. Pupils have found it very helpful and it’s really helping them understand what to expect in the first exam in April and will do with the following exams too. Plenty of guidance and easy to use.”

“This book is ideal for both pupils and teachers. It provides plenty of opportunity to practise the skills assessed in all four units of the new GCSE. The book includes tips on how to revise including language comprehension techniques and the skills of skimming and scanning. It also includes links to the WJEC and Illuminate Publishing websites where there are further exercises, essential vocabulary, language patterns, scripts and film clips. This book is bilingual. The exercises are relevant and will fully support pupils to pass the GCSE examination. The book is pupil friendly. It includes colour, many photographs and is easy to follow. An ideal revision guide written by experienced teachers and examiners. Every pupil studying Welsh Second Language should have a copy. A fantastic resource which will help me within the classroom too.”
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