Edexcel Psychology for A Level Year 2 – Student Book

Cara Flanagan, Matt Jarvis, Rob Liddle, Julia Russell, Mandy Wood

Price: £30.00

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EVALUATEFor teachers in schools/colleges only
ISBN: 9781911208600 Category:

Publication date: 04/09/18

Pages: 240pp

Exam board: Edexcel

Level: A Level Year 2

Subject: Psychology

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Written by leading psychology authors, Cara Flanagan, Matt Jarvis, Rob Liddle, Julia Russell and Mandy Wood, this book’s engaging visual style and tone will support your students through every step of the Year 2 course and help them prepare thoroughly for assessment.

  • Endorsed by Edexcel offering high quality support you can trust.
  • Designed to motivate students of all ability levels with a stunning visual style to help them engage with the information.
  • Each topic is presented on one spread to help students instantly see the whole picture, with description and evaluation clearly separated.
  • ‘Apply it’ activities provide plentiful opportunities to help students develop and practise their application and research methods skills.
  • Numerous links are made between topic content and ‘Individual Differences’ and ‘Developmental Psychology’.
  • Evaluation points relating to ‘Issues and Debates’ are integrated into every topic spread.
  • A chapter is dedicated to research methods and practical activities are included in each chapter to prepare students for research methods questions and practical investigations.
  • Visual summaries help ensure students have a good grasp of the basics.
  • Lots of exam support throughout to help students understand the assessment objectives and mark schemes, and guide them on the skills they need for exam success.

Cara Flanagan is one of the best known and most respected authors for A Level Psychology. An expert teacher with examining experience and a well-known conference presenter, Cara is renowned for creating resources that students love to use.

Matt Jarvis is an experienced teacher of psychology from GCSE to postgraduate level. He is an experienced examiner and an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society. Matt currently teaches psychology at a sixth form college and holds the title of Honorary Research Fellow at Keele University.

Rob Liddle has more than twenty years' teaching experience in psychology, from GCSE to postgraduate study. A psychology graduate with a Masters in Organisational Psychology, Rob is an established author with examining experience.

Julia Russell is Head of Psychology at The Queen's School, Chester and a lecturer on the MSc in Teaching of Psychology at Glyndwr University. She has extensive examining and authoring experience.

Mandy Wood is a psychology graduate with many years experience of teaching the subject. She leads a thriving school department, teaching A Level and International Baccalaureate. Mandy runs workshops and training days for teachers and creates and shares resources with the teaching community.

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