CBAC Astudiaethau Crefyddol ar gyfer UG a Safon Uwch Meddylwyr Allweddol: Athroniaeth

Ruth Marx, Rebecca Neale

Price: £19.99


EVALUATEFor teachers in schools/colleges only
ISBN: 9781036008307 Category:

Publication date: 17/01/25

Pages: 280pp

Exam board: WJEC

Level: A Level & AS

Subject: Religious Studies

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Welsh Language Edition

An essential companion to help students master one of the most important areas of their Religious Studies course in Philosophy: knowing the key thinkers.

  • Provides an overview of each thinker’s life and their ideas, with key dates, social context and why they are important.
  • Helps students understand the thinkers’ main arguments and how they justified their approach to philosophy, allowing students to evaluate the theories them for themselves.
  • Exam guidance section in each chapter provides a focus for revision and includes advice on how different types of questions could be tackled.
  • Encourages students to explore each area of scholarly knowledge required by the specification, from grasping key ideas to knowing how to best criticise a thinker’s approach.
  • Puts ideas and theories into contemporary contexts to help students build their evaluation skills.
  • Timeline displaying an overview of the key dates for each thinker in relation to world events.

Ruth Marx has been a Religious Studies teacher for the past twenty years. She is an experienced head of department, leading in schools in Waltham Forest and Tower Hamlets. She now lives in South West France and works as a consultant and educational author for various schools, boroughs and Multi Academy Trusts in the UK.

Rebecca Neale is an experienced senior examiner and lead teacher of Religious Studies with over a decade of experience. She is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and holds an MSc in Teaching and Learning from the University of Oxford and a BA in Theology from Durham University.

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