WJEC Applied Cert & Dip Level 3 Criminology Study & Revision Guide

UNIT 1 CHANGING AWARENESS OF CRIME 1. Add key explanations for each impact onto the mind map on the previous page. 2. Add specific examples of media portrayals when explaining the impacts on your diagram. • Example: The media portrayal of the Mods and Rockers was an example of a moral panic. Place it under the Moral panic impact. 3. Add the following examples to your diagram: • Terror attacks (including Manchester, London and Barcelona) • Islamophobia • Anti-terrorism Crime and Security Act 2001, Counter- Terrorism Act 2008, airport security, prevent strategy, youth crime • Hoodies • London riots • Crime Survey of England and Wales (statistics about the rate of crime) • Knife crime • HIV Activity 1.8 CHECKLIST – HAVE YOU INCLUDED: a clear and detailed explanation of the impact of a range of media representations on the public perception of crime explicit reference to the public perception of crime specific examples? If you need some hints to help you complete this activity, see pages 38–42 of the textbook and summarise the full explanation for each impact. Stereotyping of criminals Read the article mentioned below, then answer the following questions: • Dr Carolyn Côté- Lussier (2016, 8 February) ‘Debunking Stereotypes of Criminals’ (https:// www.lawgazette.co.uk/ commentary-and- opinion/debunking- stereotypes-of- criminals/5053490. article). 1. How are criminals in the UK stereotyped? 2. How does this stereotyping affect the public? 3. Why would the public support harsh sentences as a result of stereotyping? 4. How has this affected the prison population? 5. What suggestions does the article put forward to challenge this? Explore online 22