WJEC GCSE Food and Nutrition: Revision Guide

Grade boost Make sure you understand and can explain the meaning of ‘a balanced diet’. Can you state the Eatwell Guide percentage of fruit and vegetables and starchy foods? Can you state the difference between an allergy and an intolerance? DIET AND GOOD HEALTH 21 The Eatwell Guide recommends that our foods come mainly from the starchy carbohydrate and fruit/vegetables sections and that we should eat smaller amounts of protein and dairy foods. We should reduce the amounts of fats/ oils eaten and only occasionally eat sugary foods. It is advised we have six– eight drinks per day. Following both the Eatwell Guide and the ‘eight top tips’ may help to prevent dietary related diseases. Individual nutritional needs Our nutritional needs change according to our age , gender , activity levels and overall health . For example, a teenage boy’s dietary needs are different from an adult male builder; a middle-aged woman’s dietary needs are different from a pregnant woman’s; and a ‘couch potato’ has different dietary needs from Olympians. Special dietary needs Special dietary needs have to be considered when planning a menu, as the table below shows. 3 What happens if energy input and energy output are not the same? 4 Name a food unit of energy. 5 State two health effects of an excessive intake of energy. 6 Name two dietary related diseases. The body cannot absorb protein found in wheat, rye, barley and some oats. Bread, biscuits, cakes and sauces cannot be eaten without causing abdominal pain. The body lacks iron, which is needed for red blood cell production. Red meat and green, leafy vegetables will help increase iron levels. The body has become insulin resistant and cannot utilise the glucose produced by carbohydrates; this can result in amputations of limbs and blindness. To help prevent type 2 diabetes follow the healthy eating guidelines, exercise and control your weight. The body develops raised blood pressure, high cholesterol and blocked arteries leading to heart disease. To help prevent this take more exercise, stop smoking, control your weight and follow the healthy eating guidelines. The body takes in more energy than is used. The spare energy is stored under the skin and around the organs in a fatty layer. To prevent this exercise regularly, eat lots of vegetables, fruit and complex carbohydrates and drastically reduce fatty and sugary foods. A diet should contain foods rich in calcium and vitamin D. Regular exercise also helps bones to become stronger. Teeth – a good cleaning regime is needed and sweet foods and fizzy drinks should only be consumed on rare occasions. A food allergy can be serious – it might cause death, for example peanuts and shellfish. Intolerances , such as lactose and gluten, are not life threatening but will cause unpleasant symptoms. COELIAC DISEASE ANAEMIA DIABETES TYPE 2 OBESITY FOOD ALLERGIES AND INTOLERANCES CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE SPECIAL DIETARY NEEDS BONE AND DENTAL HEALTH SECTION 1