WJEC/Eduqas GCSE Media Studies: Student Book

Organising the logistics When you have planned your production you need to consider how you will use the time and resources available to create the product. Ask yourself the following questions. Where will I need to go to take photographs or film footage? If you are planning a location shoot you should do a recce . This means finding a place to film or take photographs that is appropriate to the brief. Your research into similar products from the same genre should inform this decision: a crime drama is likely to be filmed in a different location from a romantic comedy, for example, and a fashion magazine will not usually feature photographs taken in the same place as a football magazine. • Visit the location in advance to think about where you will place your models or performers and where you will position your camera. • Also consider lighting: if you are filming a band in a dark rehearsal room, for example, you might need some additional light. • Think about weather conditions for outdoor locations: a park might be ideal on a sunny day, but will be less suitable if it is raining heavily. • You might need to gain permission to film in certain locations, such as a café or a shop, so it is important to check and obtain this in advance if necessary. Storyboard Name of Project Shot duration Images Camera details: shot type, angle, movement Sound: dialogue, effects, music Notes: mise-en-scène, lighting Take a camera on your recce to shoot some practice pictures and footage. This will help you to plan your product in detail. Top Tip Recce A visit to a location where you intend to film to make sure it is suitable for your production. You should have a clear idea of the photographs/footage you want to obtain so that you can position your camera and performers. Key Term A recce allows you to check out a location and think carefully about how you will frame your shots. 7 Component 3: Creating Media Products 193