WJEC/Eduqas GCSE Media Studies: Revision Guide

Media Industries The study of media industries looks at how organisations and media producers create media products. You will need to consider how processes of production, distribution and circulation affect media forms and platforms. Draw lines to link the term to the correct definition. Terms Definitions Part of the distribution process focused on raising product awareness through advertising and promotion. The way in which a product is made available for the audience to consume (such as a film showing in cinemas). The monitoring or control of media industries. A type of media organisation that owns companies at different stages of the process (such as a production company and a distribution company). The way in which audiences experience or ‘take in’ a media product (for example, watching a programme on television or via an on-demand service on a tablet). The stage of the industry process at which a product is created. Where different parts of a media organisation work together for mutual benefit (for example, to promote a brand or product). An organisation that owns different types of media compy (such as television, film and publishing companies). The way in which technologies allow media products to be accessed in different ways across different platforms. The quality of elements such as the camera work, lighting and mise-en-scène in a product. This usually relates to the budget for a product. How a media product is delivered from the producer to the audience. A source of finance for a product not from private enterprise, for example a government grant or the BBC licence fee. Quickfire Revision Media industries terminology 2.22 A media product is shaped by the production process, the people involved in production and the technologies used to create it. Ownership and control of media organisations also affects the product. There are different types of media organisation, including conglomerates and vertically integrated companies. Media products might be funded in a number of ways, for example by advertising or government funding. Digital convergence is important to media industries. Most media industries create commercial products – with the aim of making money. Many companies operate on a global scale and aim to reach both large and specialised audiences. There are various types and functions of regulation within the media. Digital technologies have created new challenges in this area. It is difficult, for example, to regulate content on the internet. Checklist of Key Points Production Distribution Consumption Convergence Public funding Marketing Regulation Conglomerate Synergy Production values Circulation/ exhibition Vertically integrated 28 WJEC/Eduqas GCSE Media Studies Revision Guide