Pearson BTEC National Applied Psychology: Book 1 Revised Edition

Contents Content area A: Key psychological approaches, their assumptions and concepts A1 Approaches and assumptions Assumptions of four approaches 10 A1 Cognitive approach Key concept 1: Characteristics of three memory stores 12 Key concept 2: Remembering 14 Key concept 3: Reconstructive memory 16 Key concept 4: Cognitive priming 18 Key concept 5: The role of cognitive scripts 20 Key concept 6: Cognitive biases 22 A2 Social approach Key concept 1: Conformity 24 Key concept 2: Types of conformity 26 Key concept 3: In-groups and out-groups 28 Key concept 4: Intra-group dynamics 30 Key concept 5: In uences of others on the self 32 A3 Behaviourist and social learning approaches Key concept 1: Classical conditioning 34 Key concept 2: Operant conditioning 36 Key concept 3: Social learning theory 38 A4 Biological approach Key concept 1: In uence of biology on behaviour and traits 40 Key concept 2: Genetics and inheritance 42 Key concept 3: Neuroanatomy 44 Key concept 4: Organisation of the nervous system 46 Key concept 5: Neurochemistry 48 Key concept 6: Evolutionary psychology 50 Revision summary Multiple-choice questions Assessment and revision guidance Practice questions, answers and feedback 52 54 58 62 Content area B: Application of psychological approaches B1 Use of psychology to explain contemporary issues of aggression in society Cognitive approach 64 Social approach 66 Behaviourist and social learning approaches 68 Biological approach 70 B2 Use of psychology in business to explain and in‘uence consumer behaviour Cognitive approach 72 Social approach 74 Behaviourist and social learning approaches 76 Biological approach 78 B3 Application of psychology to explain gender Cognitive approach 80 Social approach 82 Behaviourist and social learning approaches 84 Biological approach 86 Revision summary Multiple-choice questions Assessment and revision guidance Practice questions, answers and feedback 88 90 92 94 Read important advice on assessment and revision before you begin! 9 Copyright: Sample material