OCR Advanced FSMQ - Additional Maths

Topic 6 Coordinate geometry of straight lines 2 Coordinate geometry This topic is concerned with coordinates ( x , y ) and lines connecting these coordinates. This topic covers the following: 6.1 The gradient of a line 6.2 Calculating the distance between two points 6.3 Proving two lines are the same length using vectors 6.4 Finding the mid-point of a straight line joining two points 6.5 The equation of a straight line graph 6.6 Finding the gradient and the intercept on the y -axis from the equation of a straight line 6.7 Equations of vertical and horizontal lines 6.8 Finding the equation of a straight line 6.9 Condition for two straight lines to be parallel to each other 6.10 Condition for two straight lines to be perpendicular to each other 6.11 Determining the equation of a line that is parallel to another line 6.12 A quicker way to determine the equation of a line through a point that is parallel to another line 6.13 Proving that a point ( x , y ) lies on a line 6.14 Finding the coordinates of the point of intersection of two straight lines 117