AQA GCSE Media Studies Student Book

Above is a very basic diagram or model of the communication process. If someone speaks to you, they are the sender, what they say to you is the message and you are the receiver. Just as easily, you could apply this model to a mass media example: Sender Message Receiver BBC Episode of EastEnders All the viewers of this episode In this simple and straightforward model, the sender creates the message and then pushes it towards the receiver (in this case by transmitting it as a television programme). Anyone who has the correct receiving equipment (a television set, a computer, a smartphone) can view this message and become a receiver. This creates a view of communication in which a message travels along a line. The sender is at the beginning of the line and the receiver is at the end of the line. That’s why it is called a linear model of communication . How helpful is this linear model in understanding the mass media? • It has the advantage of simplicity. • It can be a useful way to describe important elements of communication. Also, it does seem to make the senders all-important. They are the ones who plan and create the message and find a way of sending it on its way to the receiver. All the receiver has to do is just watch or read or listen. As it stands, the linear model doesn’t quite capture the interactive part of communication. Even when having a chat with a friend, we don’t just passively receive messages and then switch roles to actively send messages. A conversation involves both people contributing all the time. Even when you are not speaking you are nodding, frowning, smiling or making noises such as ‘Mmm’ and ‘Uh huh’. Sender Message Receiver Model A model seeks to capture an idea or concept in a simplified form, often as a graphic or diagram. Key term In your classroom are you more likely to be a sender or a receiver? Quick question 1.1 The following list contains six senders, six messages and six receivers. Identify which is which and link them together. For example: Charles Dickens (sender), Oliver Twist (message) and Book readers (receiver). Internet surfers Charles Dickens The Grand Tour Book readers Radio 1 Reach Oliver Twist Radio listeners Nick Grimshaw Show Newspaper readers Sunday Mirror Amazon Prime subscribers Twitter follower DMG media MailOnline Amazon video Twitter user A tweet Activity 1.1 Facial expressions and gestures are important signs in interactive communication. Interactivity Two-way communication in which the participants both actively engage in the process. Key terms 9 1 Media Language