AQA A Level Drama Play Guide: The Glass Menagerie

7 The terms naturalism and realism are often used interchangeably, and there is some blurring between the two. In terms of theatre, both styles are a rejection of the arti ce of the melodramas and drawing-room plays of the 19th century. One argument about the differences is that realistic drama creates a believable impression of society, including a focus on characters, such as those from the working class, who previously were seldom featured. Naturalistic drama shares the use of realistic dialogue and settings, but is more likely to seek an underlying cause for behaviour or a greater use of symbolism. You will often nd that a play is described as both naturalistic and realistic, as there is not always a common agreement about these de nitions or the distinction between them.. Task Think of a play you have read, studied or seen, and make notes on the headings in ‘How you will be assessed’ on the previous page. Can you identify its genre, for example? Do you know its structure? What do you recall about how the characters were portrayed? Look here See more about tragedy on page 41. Key terms Melodrama: An exaggeratedly dramatic piece that aims to excite the emotions of the audience. Symbolism: When something represents something more important than just itself, such as a character representing all women, the colour green representing nature, or a throne presenting a kingdom or power. Gesture: A movement such as nodding, pointing or shrugging, which suggests a certain meaning. Task Look at each production photograph below and try to identify the style and genre. Consider if the play looks naturalistic or stylised, period or contemporary, comic or dramatic, and so on. What production elements do you think would have a particular impact on the audience, such as the lighting, costume or set design, or the actors’ gestures or expressions? How to explore a play for A Level Drama and Theatre 5Loving v. Virginia 5Living on Love 4A Great Wilderness Copyright: Sample material